Product introduction
Scenario 4: Office
Product Content:? Gateway, Switches, Camera, Plug, Curtain motor, Open/closed sensor, Socket, Smoke detector, Multi-sensor, Window openor …
1. Auto lights control: Turn on/off the lights via Switches, APP, scene switches. For example, the lights will be turned on at 9:00 AM automatically on weekday, turned off at 9:00pm on weekday.
2. Auto Windows control: Open/closed the windows via switches, APP, Scene switches. For example, the windows will be closed automatically when it’s raining, opened automatically at 9:30AM on weekday.
3. Auto AC control: Turn on/off AC via Switches, APP, Scene switches. For example, the AC will be turned on automatically at 9:25AM on weekday, turned off at 8:30pm on weekday.
4. Intrusion alarm control: 7*24 hours to monitor your office, check the office anytime anywhere via APP. Get notification from app if anyone breaking and entering the office.
For office, the main purpose of home automations are saving energy and keeping safe. We need to control lights based on real brightness. For example, Area A maybe doesn’t need to turn on the lights because it near to window, Area B maybe only need to turn on the lights before 10:00am and after 5:00pm, Area C need to turn on the ligths whole day. Then we can set the trigger conditions via app to control lights based on actual needs.
Remote control lights, window, AC is just basic functions of home automation, we prepared potential functions for you also, find it via APP.